Implant Dentistry in Fort Collins, CO

Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed into your jaw to replace missing teeth. Implants not only enhance your smile but also improve chewing function and prevent bone loss, contributing to overall oral health. At Shores Family Dentistry, we offer the following implant services:

The Dental Implant Process

  1. Initial Consultation: During your initial visit, our dentists and team assesses your oral health, discusses your goals and determines if dental implants are the best option for you.
  2. Custom Treatment Planning: Utilizing advanced imaging techniques, we craft a personalized treatment plan. This blueprint is designed to achieve optimal results, tailored to your unique dental anatomy and aesthetic preferences.
  3. Implant Placement: The placement of dental implants is a meticulously performed procedure. With your comfort as our priority, we use gentle techniques to insert the titanium posts into your jawbone.
  4. Healing and Integration: Following implant placement, a period of healing is essential. The implants integrate with your jawbone in a process known as osseointegration, providing the stability needed for your replacement teeth.
  5. Abutment and Crown Placement: Once healing is complete, we attach the abutments (connector pieces) to the implants. These support the custom-made crowns, which are designed to match your natural teeth in color, shape, and size, blending seamlessly with your smile.
  6. Follow-Up and Care: After your new teeth are in place, regular checkups and proper home care are key to maintaining your implant’s longevity and health. We are committed to supporting you at every step, ensuring your smile remains bright and beautiful.

Why Choose Us for Implant Dentistry?

At Shores Family Dentistry, Dr. Sara Megna and Dr. Brooke Kittell combine expertise with empathy, understanding that each patient’s needs are unique. Our dedicated team is passionate about restoring smiles and enhancing lives through advanced dental care. With state-of-the-art technology and a commitment to personalized treatment, we strive to deliver exceptional results in a welcoming and comfortable environment.

Schedule an Appointment

Embarking on the path to a rejuvenated smile with dental implants in Fort Collins, Colorado, is a significant decision. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our dentists by calling 970-226-2920 to explore how dental implants can transform your smile and your life. Together, we will create a plan that is just right for you.

We Hope to See You Soon!
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